rat/mouse infestation
Do I Have Mice or Rats?
How Do You Know If You Have A Cockroach Infestation?
rat/mouse infestation
Do I Have Mice or Rats?
How Do You Know If You Have A Cockroach Infestation?

How Do I Tell Where Ants Are Coming From?

The ants commonly found invading UK homes are typically Black Garden ants. However, the name is misleading as they are dark brown.

The ants usually seen in your home are known as worker ants; like bees, they have a queen. However, worker ants are much smaller than the queen. Their bodies comprise a head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, and six legs.

What Attracts Ants To Your Home?

The job of the worker ants is to find food and take it back to their colony to feed the queen and the larvae.

Sometimes, an infestation can be the luck of the draw, and your house may simply be near their nest. However, an infestation can also occur if you have gaps or cracks that allow them to enter your property.

You will find ants on your property mainly because they are always looking for food. Ants are particularly attracted to sweet foods, but any crumbs or spillages will suffice if these are unavailable.

Where Do Ants Come From?

Watching ants is the easiest way to discover where ants come from. This is always a good start as it will not only give you an idea of where their nests are but also indicate how they gain access to your property.

Another method is to go outside and look for nests. The nests are often holes surrounded by soil or other ground materials built up around them. Still, they can be difficult to spot, and this method can be fairly tedious.

How To Remove Ants

When trying to control an infestation of ants, the first port of call is to ensure your home is clean. No foods, including pet foods, small crumbs and spillages, are left lying around for the ants to feast on.

You can also reduce the chance of an ant infestation by firmly sealing any gaps or cracks these creatures could squeeze through.

Products such as powders, sprays and gels may be effective for a small infestation of ants. Still, suppose you have a larger infestation, or the ants keep returning to your property. In that case, it is recommended that you contact help from a trained pest controller, like Wallace Pest Control, who can control the ants using safe and effective methods and offer some great advice.

How To Remove Ants

When trying to control an infestation of ants, the first port of call is to ensure your home is clean. No foods, including pet foods, small crumbs and spillages, are left lying around for the ants to feast on.

You can also reduce the chance of an ant infestation by firmly sealing any gaps or cracks these creatures could squeeze through.

Products such as powders, sprays and gels may be effective for a small infestation of ants. Still, suppose you have a larger infestation, or the ants keep returning to your property. In that case, it is recommended that you contact help from a trained pest controller, like Wallace Pest Control, who can control the ants using safe and effective methods and offer some great advice.

If you have a problem with ants or any other type of pest contact that needs professional treatment contact us below or call us on 07496 680879, and our experienced, friendly team will offer advice and provide an effective solution.