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How Do You Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Home?
Although it is common knowledge that fleas can be carried into the household by our beloved pets, it is not uncommon for households with no pets to find themselves struggling with these tiny pests.
Fleas need the blood of any warm-blooded animal to keep them alive. Still, unfortunately, their eggs can survive for a long period without the need for a host. They can hatch anywhere up to 18 months. This means that if you have an infestation but no furry friends, it could be possible that the eggs have been lying dormant on your property for some time before you moved in.
It is also not widely known that fleas aren't picky regarding the blood they need to survive. Of course, they live on cats and dogs, but they are not opposed to biting humans if other sources are unavailable. Another method of them gaining access into your home is to travel on your clothes or body and even soft furnishings.
Characteristics Of Fleas
There are over 2000 species of flea, with the most common in the UK being known as the cat flea. Although the clue is in the name and commonly found on our feline friends, it can also be found living on dogs and humans!
As mentioned above, there are many species, and they all look fairly similar to the naked eye. No matter the species, they should be treated quickly if you see signs of them in your home.
Fleas are tiny creatures about 2-3mm long and can be difficult to spot. Still, when they are not feasting on the blood of other animals, they can be seen on soft furnishings, carpets, and around pet beds.
They do not have wings, but their most distinguishable feature is that they are fantastic at jumping and can sometimes be seen to jump up to 200 times the length of their own body.
As for aesthetic features, the details are difficult to see because they are so small, but their colourings range from brown to black to grey. In addition, their bodies are streamlined in width ways to pass easily through pet hair.
Why Fleas Are a Problem
Although fleas are not an immediate danger to humans, it is not ideal to have an infestation in your home, and it is certainly not ideal for them to be biting you. Unlike other pests, fleas are not known to carry diseases, but their bites are itchy, and you can be at risk of getting an infection in the wound.
The same can be said for your pets. Fleas may not cause immediate harm to your pets but can cause discomfort and skin problems. Again, it is very unlikely, but in some cases where fleas have been present on your pet for a prolonged period and in large numbers, their bites and bloodsucking can cause the animal to become anaemic.
Overall, the biggest worry with fleas is how quickly they breed. A singular female can lay over 1500 eggs in her two years of life, and you can soon become overridden with these tiny pests.
How To Prevent And Treat Fleas
Unlike many pests, you can not always prevent fleas from entering your home. As previously mentioned, they are sometimes already present in homes or soft furnishings, your pets can bring fleas into the home unbeknownst to you, and they are also not attracted to uncleanliness. Therefore, they may still be present in the cleanest of homes.
You can take preventative measures to decrease fleas' chances, such as ensuring carpets and soft furnishings are hoovered regularly, keeping your pets updated with their flea medication and washing any pet bedding regularly. You should also watch your pets scratching themselves more often and tiny creatures jumping from carpets, furniture or your pets' fur. If you spot any of these signs, dealing with the problem immediately before it escalates is important.
If you think you already have a flea infestation and have recently used your hoover on your carpets or furniture, make sure it is emptied and properly cleaned out, as there could be traces of eggs left in the chamber.
There are insecticides available to purchase by the public. Still, reading the labels and following instructions is paramount, as these can be toxic to humans and pets.
If you notice that your home has an infestation of fleas, please do not hesitate to contact us today as we can offer you advice on the matter and control the issue safely and effectively.